“Meditate on edibles and try to eat your vegetables, eventually you realize reality is bendable.” – Queen Herby
What if reality isn’t fixed but something you can shape with your mind?
I first encountered the idea of reality creation when I watched The Secret documentary. While The Secret has been heavily criticized for oversimplifying the concept, suggesting that positive thoughts alone can lead to profound life changes, it was still pivotal for me. It got me seriously questioning the idea that our internal state directly influences our external experience—and, by the same token, the possibility that by altering our internal reality, we could fundamentally change our lived experiences. This realization led me down a years-long research journey, exploring this concept from multiple perspectives. Again and again, I found the same fundamental theme echoed in modern and ancient spiritual traditions, neuroscience, quantum physics, psychology, esoteric wisdom, and new-age texts.
The world we experience isn’t separate from us – it’s not an externality that simply happens to us. Instead, reality is a mirror of our subconscious beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and energetic frequency.
If our perception of reality reflects our internal state, then reality itself is malleable—not something we passively experience but something we can intentionally influence. This concept is the foundation of Limit Lifter, and in this post, we’ll explore:
From birth, we are conditioned to believe that reality is rigid, beyond our control, and something that happens to us without any say on our part. This conditioning forces us to operate from an unconscious place, repeating the same fundamental patterns by shaping what we believe is possible or impossible in our lives. That’s why, even when your external circumstances seemingly improve ,things don’t seem to feel better. Getting a promotion, a bigger house, a nicer car, or a new relationship provides a short rush, but it’s fleeting, and we’re facing the same anxieties, neuroses, and baggage we always have.
So why is the same message repeated throughout modern neuroscience, spiritual philosophy, and ancient wisdom?
Our mind is not merely observing reality – it is actively shaping it.
Take three foundational but varied sources that echo this idea:
In his book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, Dr. Joe Dispenza explains how our subconscious programming creates predictable experiences and how we can break free from this cycle by rewiring our brains.
“Your personality creates your personal reality. And your personality is made up of how you think, act, and feel. If you want to create your new personal reality, you have to change your personality.”
He posits that our thoughts and emotions create neurological patterns that dictate our experiences until we intentionally reprogram them.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cell biologist, challenges the old belief in genetic determinism and shows that our environment – including our thoughts – controls how our genes express themselves.
“The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.”
Essentially, his thesis is that your thoughts don’t just shape your mind – they shape your biology and the reality you live in.
In 1983, the CIA declassified The Gateway Experience, a document exploring how human consciousness interacts with reality. The research conducted at The Monroe Institute concluded that the mind can be trained to transcend physical limitations and directly influence reality through focused thought and altered states of consciousness.
“The universe is comprised of interacting energy fields. Consciousness can be trained to access these fields, collapse probabilities, and influence reality.” – CIA Gateway Report (1983)
The implications are profound. Government-backed research acknowledges that reality is not fixed—our consciousness has the power to shape and interact with it.
For centuries, spiritual traditions have taught that reality is a projection of consciousness. Now, quantum physics is catching up to these ancient teachings.
What’s even more astonishing?
Long before quantum mechanics, mystical teachings like Hermeticism, Buddhism, and the Upanishads already emphasized that reality is mind-generated.
If science and spirituality are converging on the same truth… why wouldn’t we test it for ourselves?
Reality creation rests on four key principles:
Your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are not passive—they are actively shaping your reality in real time.
You are an energy being. At the quantum level, you are waves of energy, not just particles.
Key Takeaway:
Reality isn’t something that happens to us—it’s something we actively generate.
The first non-negotiable step is awareness.
Most people go through life identifying with their thoughts and emotions, unaware that they can step back and observe them.
Energy flows where attention goes—so train your attention on your ideal life, and reality will follow.
If you knew, without a doubt, that reality was malleable… what would you change in your life?